
We receive a lot of support from our partners. Organizations and companies from different countries make great contributions to the success of ANA.

The following associations from the USA, Switzerland and Germany are your local contact points:

Lazos Education Fund
The Lazos Education Fund is a non-profit organization from Denver and was founded by Greg Zerwas, a former volunteer at ANA. The Lazos Education Fund collects donations to support relief programs. ANA regularly receives donations from the Lazos Education Fund. Furthermore, various members have volunteered for ANA in La Venta.

Association Verein Kinder- und Jugendhilfswerk La Venta
The Association Verein Kinder- und Jugendhilfswerk La Venta is the official contact point for ANA in Switzerland. With different events, donations are collected and the project of La Venta is advertised in Switzerland. The Association constantly welcomes new members; if you are interested, please contact us.

The Association Verein Kinder- und Jugendhilfswerk La Venta has the following members:

Committee Member:

Doris Fellmann Blättler
Hans-Peter Widmer-Schurtenberger
Christine Zwahlen
Martina Hunkeler
Rolf Wernli

Aleduras e.V.
It is thanks to the commitment of Georg von Witzleben that the Association Aleduras e.V. was founded. The goal is to support a sustainable and independent development of Honduras. Aleduras e.V. supports different relief programs, among them ANA La Venta, with sponsorships.

Other organizations and private persons that are supporting us or have done so in the past: